Poster Session Proposals

***The deadline for proposal submissions was January 29, 2024; proposals are no longer being accepted.***
***Thanks to everyone who submitted a proposal!***       

The LOEX 2024 Conference Planning Committee invites 1) graduate students in library and information science programs (or recent graduates who have yet to find employment as a full-time librarian) and 2) library fellows and residents to submit proposals to host a poster session at the 52nd Annual LOEX Conference. The conference will be held May 2-4, 2024.

Exploring existing research and conducting new work is important to any professional, particularly those new to a field. Poster sessions should visually convey research, classwork, or projects from your job in at least one (1) of these areas: reference, library instruction and/or information literacy. They typically take the form of an exhibit and should include brief narratives, data, and graphics that quickly summarize the presenter's research. Successful poster proposals reflect elements of one (or more) of the conference tracks.

Proposal Tracks

    • Planting Seeds: Pedagogy and Instructional Design       

    How have you been deliberate about growing your instruction, whether for online, hybrid or classroom contexts? What inclusive models or design processes have you used to ensure your instruction reaches as wide a group of learners as possible? Share a project that demonstrates best practices or innovation in instructional design and/or pedagogy, whether you have revamped an existing project or branched out to create new curricula, lesson plans, or instructional objects. Let us know how you grow your practice and keep things fresh.

    • Putting Down Roots: Collaboration and Outreach     

    A tree has a stronger foundation if it develops a layered, diffuse root system. How have you grown relationships beyond the library? Who have you developed partnerships with? Are you branching out and working with public libraries, school libraries, or community organizations? What kinds of programs, projects, or initiatives are you cultivating? How have you made connections with underserved or underrepresented groups? Tell us about how you make these efforts bloom.

    • Seeing the Forest: Assessment and Evaluation           

    It is always wise to take a step back and a deep breath to assess what is going on. How do you make sure you don’t lose sight of the big picture? How can daily outcomes flower into long-term change? What steps have you taken to make sure all voices are given a chance to speak up, stand up, and be counted? Share assessment projects that measure and mark information literacy achievement or other instructional programming outcomes. Has your cohort, department, or institution made a major commitment to a program, service or resource? Tell us how individuals keep groups and administrative teams invested in new projects .

    • Controlled Burns: Revitalize and Renew       

    Springtime signals regrowth. Sometimes it is fruitful to reconnect with past projects or collaborators. What do you prune and what do you keep? How do you know when to rebuild or when to start fresh? How do librarians as professionals support wellbeing and avoid burnout? What leadership have you shown to ensure you and your co-workers are on the right path? Share approaches and programs that have enabled you to re-energize and revive your body and spirit. 

    • Climate Change: Adapting to New Technologies

    As teaching librarians, we adapt to new technologies all the time. From online design software to student participation apps, librarians are often on the cutting edge of educational technologies. With the rise of ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools, we are at a crossroads in the digital landscape. Do you think the future looks bright? Or are you worried we’re in for a cataclysmic shift? How do you implement the tools so they can be utilized and properly reflect the diverse population on your campus? What new tools are you finding useful to move your pedagogy forward? What old tools have you used in new ways or new settings?

    • Field Notes: Using Research to Inform Practice

    How have you conducted original research to investigate the effectiveness of your instructional approach, or drawn from the literature of the field to enhance your practice? This is your chance to demonstrate how engaging in research and utilizing existing research can enrich your teaching in a variety of contexts


    Proposals for poster sessions will be limited to graduate students currently enrolled in library and information science programs (or those who have graduated in the last three years and have yet to find employment as a full-time librarian) and to library residents or fellows who have been in the field no more than five years.

    Poster Presentation Format

    Academic conference posters are a single canvas that have a mix of text with pictures, narratives, data tables, and graphics on a particular topic. A typical printed out poster is 36" x 48", but it can be a bit smaller or larger depending upon the amount of information The conference committee will provide each poster session with a 36" x 48" trifold presentation board. Photocopying and materials to make the poster will be the presenter's responsibility. Poster session presenters will be expected to informally discuss their presentations and answer questions on Friday, May 3rd.  

    Supporting materials (e.g., handouts) can also be created, but those should not be required for the attendee to understand the poster.

    Submission Information

    ***The deadline for proposal submissions was January 29, 2024; proposals are no longer being accepted.*** 

    Proposals can be submitted only through the online submission form and must be received by Monday, January 29, 2024. 

    If your proposal is accepted, then you will be automatically registered for the conference, and required to pay the poster session registration amount by the due date in April.

    Note: Failure to pay the registration fee will result in the cancellation of your poster session and conference registration. All presenters, including poster session presenters, are responsible for paying their own travel and lodging expenses.  

    Contact for poster presenters: Michelle Guittar at  

    Proposal Timeline

    • January 29, 2024: Deadline to submit poster session proposal
    • February 16, 2024: Notification of acceptance of poster sessions
    • May 2-4, 2024: 52nd Annual LOEX Conference

    Proposal Selection Criteria

    The following will be considered:

    • Relevance of the topic to instruction and information literacy across as diverse a set of populations and institutional types as possible
    • Originality of the topic
    • Clarity of evidence of presenter's knowledge and experience with topic

    Presenter Benefits

    The solid reputation of the LOEX Conference ensures that presenters benefit as much as their audience. Presenters can expect to:

    • Contribute to the field of library instruction and information literacy
    • Develop excellent experience to include on a resume
    • Obtain valuable feedback from a wide cross-section of librarians from across the country, including some who are on university/college hiring committees
    • Receive a registration spot for the LOEX conference (and at a significantly reduced rate, if you are a student)